Saturday, September 25, 2010

You know you are in OBGyn when..

-you can work for 36 hours straight.
-you can arrange for one pint of whole blood anywhere, anytime.
-you are immune to death screams.
-you can survive on just coffee for hours and hours.
-you don't want to have a baby. EVER. / you dont want your wife to go through THAT.
-you are immune to jabs, being told off, screamed at etc by professors.
-you can eat in the labour room cubicle( yes, novices, try it on your first day, you wouldn't)
-your apron has blood, meconium, urine and amniotic fluid on it.
-you write @ the speed of light.
-you are so tired, you just want to curl up and sleep all the time.
-you dread NSTs and their outcome for problem patients because that means you have to scrub at 3 am.
-you suck up to nurses
-you wonder how anyone could ever take this specialty by choice.
-you cross off the days left for it to end.